November is a very special month...
It is a time for being thankful.
It is the month in which I was born...
and my son was born.
November means crisp autumn nights and auburn morning skies...
time spent indoors curled up in a blanket or someone else's arms
It is a time for pumpkin spice lattes and new york times best sellers...
of classic movies and late night scrabble games by the fire.
It evokes the true sense of home...warm and serene
and the true sense of family...comraderie and love.
May November be just as magical for you.
(I should give credit to all of the images above as not one of them are mine-but I have no idea from which blog or website that I took them. I just thought that they were so beautiful together. I will try to find the sources again and post them in a later post. The third image is from the Ralph Lauren Home website. Please forgive me producers of these photographs and thank you for allowing me to share them.)